How To Be A Online Casino Affiliate

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How To Be A Online Casino Affiliate

Become a Casino Affiliate (Complete Step-By-Step Guide) Learning WordPress and Getting Your First Site Ready. I recommend WordPress for doing your casino affiliate website. Time To Make It Rank. You are now all set with a website and have placed tracking links to various online casinos. How to become a casino affiliateThe start is to launch a website What how to become a casino affiliate is a casino affiliate and how to become one A casino affiliate works in partnership with an online casino and essentially exists to advertise online casinos.

As a player-cum-affiliate myself, a number of Meister forum regulars have asked for information on becoming online casino affiliates. So I’ve put together my take on what it takes to make a go of it. It’s easy to get something up and running, but hard to make it pay, and even harder to make a living from it unless you have a few things going for you. But it is possible, and while it’s become a very competitive market, opportunities still exist for the dedicated affiliates.

The first key element to becoming a succesfull casino affiliate is being an experienced player. If you are going to get valuable players following your recommendations, you need to know your “Reverse Withdrawal” from your “Withdrawal” and your “Deuces Wild” from your “Loose Deuces”! Well maybe not exactly those two things, as you may focus in other areas, but you’re getting my drift I’m sure. If potential players can see you know what you’re talking about, you won’t just be attracting one-hit bonus hunters. If you’ve played a dozen or so different online casinos, on different software, you’re probably in a good starting position for affiliate stardom!

Secondly, it’s important to know the basics of putting a website together. You don’t need much more than HTML, but it helps if you know enough to make maintaining it easy. Online casinos are constantly moving on, changing stuff and generally keeping you on your toes, so you’ll need to keep your eye on things and make changes fairly regularly. The casinos will help of course, with casino afilliate programs and program managers there to assist you – and bug you if you lag behind! If you know a bit more about programming, it makes sense to have a site running from a database so one change will reflect across the whole site. A good sense of design helps…maybe not essential, but your information certainly needs to be well laid out and easy to read.

The third, and most challenging aspect, is getting your site noticed. I can’t begin to explain how complex an issue it is to achieve this, but suffice to say you’re going to need traffic in reasonable quantities, and by trafic, I mean “targetted” traffic. So you have to know some stuff about “Search Engine Optimisation” (SEO) before you start. Google is the main search engine for gambling traffic, but don’t even think about targetting the keywords “online casino” until you are established. It will take months, even years to get strong Google placements on competitive terms, but your knowledge as a player should help you identify some “niche” search terms that you could aim for a good rank with. Webmasterworld is your starting point for SEO stuff. Take a day out to research before you even start writing your website. It will save a lot of time later.

Usa Casino Affiliate Programs

Finally, content. Good strong honest information is the way to go. Avoid stuffing your pages with banners and bonus offers, as it will harm your site ranking over time and attract the wrong type of player. Plus if you want my opinion, signing up for a bonus is not good advice to give a player as the Terms are so restrictive these days. Aside from which, bonuses are constantly changing and keeping on top of them can be a nightmare. Try for unique info, based on your experiences and tell players the good and the bad. Above all, don’t promote online casinos that you either wouldn’t play yourself or have a bad reputation on the player forums. Research! Aside from the ethical standpoint, if a player doesn’t like where you send them ,they’ll move on and you’ve lost them, probably forever. When you consider you affiliate your players for life, and you often only get one chance to get them onboard, you don’t want to waste the opportunity!

For more information and to see the community in action, the best place for online casino affiliates to check out is the GPWA forum which is a pretty active and helpful place to be. If you want a list of affiliate programs for decent casinos to get started, along with plug-in bonus information then check out Affcaff.

Finally, what to expect. If you’re starting a new site from scratch (get a memorable or keyword-rich, but short as possible, “.com” domain name by the way!), you’re not going to see much income for at least six months, unless you get really really lucky. You’re not going to see your site indexed well in Google for 6-9 months minimum (the “Sandbox” – check the Webmasterworld “Google News” forum for more on that), and you’re not going to see sustainable traffic for a similar period unless you can get good strong incoming links in place. many affiliates buy links, especially to get started, but if you follow this route, get links from relevant sources – ie: other gambling sites. Avoid free linking exchange programs and do it the hard way. Google and Yahoo are very wise to “unnatural” linking methods simply to improve ranking, yet linking is one of, if not THE, most important factor in how search engines rank websites.

FOr those of you who haven’t already, please join our Webmasters Group in the forum. We also publish a newsletter for affiliates and affiliate managers. And of course there is more information on Casinomeister’s Affiliate Resources page.

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In this day and age, the gambling industry, and more specifically, the online gambling industry has seen a massive increase in activity, effectively turning the whole thing into a heavily sought-after venue for high gross margins on monthly income.

Due to the exponential needs of finding ways to work from home because of the recent times the world is going through, one very specific area that has made almost every corporation raise some eyebrows is the now well-known affiliate marketing scheme which in turn, inside the gambling industry, has evolved into what we call affiliate programs.

Inside the gambling industry, most of us are no strangers to what it means to take part in casino activities. Everyone knows that a casino is for gambling, but few realize that you can also make money from promoting these casinos without even spending a dime on games about chance and random number generators. This is where Online Casino Affiliate Websites come through.


Promoting online casinos goes in different ways, but the one that we are most interested in here is promoting through affiliate marketing, and we’re here today to give you a list of why stating an Online Casino Affiliate website is good for you and your soon-to-be deep pockets:

iGaming is one of the highest paying affiliate industries

It is estimated that the top casino affiliates that rank the highest in traffic can make well above 6 figures in revenue per month. The iGaming industry has evolved into one of the fastest-growing industries after nearing the US$60 billion mark by 2020 and being estimated to reach US$100 billion by 2024.

Many experts project that the iGaming industry is far from done with expanding, increasing rates exponentially as we keep diving into the digital era. Every year, the industry keeps beating record levels in profit streams and all of this will keep improving with the implementation of new technologies and investment in many different areas.

Free Casino Affiliate Websites

Even though the competition is harsh in this environment, it’s safe to say that there’s still enough for everyone looking to make top dollar in this business. Many affiliates focus their efforts on more than one type of gambling to make their target even wider and therefore making sure that the profit margin is maximized.

Perfect for working from home

The way this works is basically setting up your website, and drive traffic into it, that’s it. Of course, there are more intricacies that with no doubt will require huge amounts of work and dedication but most importantly, you can do all of these from home.

You can work on affiliate marketing strategies, on how to improve the reach and the message of your content, and how to best implement the marketing materials that you’ll be provided by your partners, but all of this you can do from home while setting up your own work hours. It’s pretty much casual Friday every day.

There’s no slouching though, as the massive increase in online activity in the last decade, and even more due to the recent 2020 events, means more competition for you, but it also means more potential revenue.

Cashing in through the immense popularity of the iGaming industry this way also has the potential of making you a very specialized entrepreneur without moving from home and without much need for investments besides paying for a domain and for hosting.

Mergers & Acquisitions are a great exit plan


Hey, sometimes you will feel as if you need to invest your time in something else, or maybe you’re looking for starting up a new website from scratch. Maybe you’re considering that your traffic metrics aren’t improving and want to shift your focus momentarily too. You ought to know that all is not lost, and you can still make a hefty profit from what you’ve been building for months or maybe for a year or two.

How To Be A Online Casino Affiliate

You can sell your affiliate website or merge your brand with another partner that could be looking after your platform. Remember, traffic turns into money in this business. Depending on how well your traffic is and how are you ranking on the search engines through SEO, your website could increase in value exponentially. Also, the quality of your content counts too so, maybe, if you’ve invested in freelancers to flood your page with content in both quantity and quality while following the proper strategies, a good deal is definitely on the horizon.

Maybe your goal is about building platforms and getting them set up just to sell them for a profit afterward. If that’s your lane, you can work that out too.

For example, you can find the following website which is a casino affiliate site that earns $200,000 USD per year in revenue and is selling on for over $300,000 USD. Hard work really pays off, right?

Casino affiliation pays the most


At first, you might feel that what you’re earning could be close to negligible but almost anyone that has invested quite some time in this can tell you that you’re up for an amazing run if you stay around.

The so-called super-affiliates, which essentially is an affiliate that has pulled through and has reached success, can earn above six-digit numbers in earnings and through talks with their partners, has come to terms with the best affiliate deals for their platform giving them in turn even more power to demand higher commission deals.

Some of the best slots sites and poker sites can treat their affiliate partners around US$50000 a month, and having dealt with several affiliates at the same time can ramp this up even more.

Of course, the way you manage your business is going to be 100% in your control, and this is key when finding the best approach to deciding how to bring traffic to your website. One of these decisions will most likely be about choosing your niche on what types of gambling are you going to tackle for striking interests on potential players.

Across this entire business model, you’ll probably find websites that tap into sports betting, fantasy sports, slots, poker, mobile gaming, and such, but one of the most popular types of gambling currently is a lottery, and that’s a niche that’s very rarely tapped on for some reason so a list of lottery affiliate programs will surely help you out if you find this interesting.

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